Access Engineering

EngineeringUndergraduateCommunity ServiceESACCommunity/Public ServiceESAC FairSAC
There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.

Club Mission

Access Engineering is a free, student-run hands-on engineering enrichment program at the University of Pennsylvania for talented Philadelphia high school students. Our team of passionate undergraduate volunteers makes engineering exciting for a diverse group of ~80 students in a semester-long program on Saturdays. We provide students a hands-on and fun environment to explore what engineering is. Since 2014, Access Engineering has worked to nurture their interest in STEM and develop the Philadelphia Public Schools’ pipeline of future engineers.


Most Recent
Question: Do you guys teach natural sciences(math, chemistry etc) or is it limited to the engineering disciplines? - Anonymous
We teach lessons in the various engineering disciplines (electrical engineering, chemical engineering, bioengineering, computer science, etc) which are applied forms of the natural sciences. However we do not do lessons on just the natural sciences, i.e, we don't produce pure math or chemistry lessons.
- Access Engineering
~0 people found this question helpful~

Basic Info

0 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Application and Interview Required

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Please apply by January 27th at this link

Additional Pages