Active Minds

Peer EducationAdvocacyUndergraduateCommunity ServicePeer Education/SupportSAC
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Club Mission

Active Minds was founded in 2001 by Alison Malmon at the University of Pennsylvania and has since then grown into a national nonprofit organization with college chapters across the country. We are a student-run mental health awareness, education, and advocacy organization on campus. Our mission is to increase students' awareness of mental health issues, provide information and resources regarding mental health, encourage students to seek help as soon as it is needed, and serve as liaison between students and the mental health community. Through campus-wide events and community service, Active Minds aims to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health issues, and create a comfortable environment for an open conversation about mental health issues on campus. Join Our Listserv 


Most Recent
Question: Are applications open to be on board? - Anonymous

Yes! Applications will open up later this semester. We will also be opening applications to be a general body member of Active Minds, and helping out in certain committees.

- Active Minds
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: Does Active Minds utilize media to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health issues at Penn? How exactly to they connect with the Penn community on a large scale? - Anonymous
Yes! We have 2 Communications Directors who run our social media platforms. We have also done several social media campaigns over the years.
- Active Minds
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Basic Info

4 Registered (< 20 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Email with your name and class year to get involved!

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