Alpha Kappa Psi

SocialBusinessAcademicUndergraduateBusiness FraternitiesAcademic/Pre-ProfessionalBusiness/ConsultingWharton Council
There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.

Club Mission

As America's largest and oldest business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi has long prided itself as the premier developer of principled business leaders. For over 100 years, Alpha Kappa Psi has cultivated the world's leaders and innovators, seen from some of our alumni which include former Presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, Wal-Mart Founder Sam Walton, publishing magnate Malcolm Forbes, and much more.

Here at Penn and Wharton, we are proud that our brothers continue to innovate not only within our fraternity but also with other organizations on campus and beyond. As just one example of AKPsi's leadership at the University of Pennsylvania, we recently established the Corporate Benefit, a ground-breaking event which connects our pillars of people, professionalism, and philanthropy. We hosted McDonald's CEO Jim Skinner, Johnson & Johnson's Vice Chairman Christine Poon, representatives from many of the most respected firms in the business world, and hundreds of Penn students for an evening to celebrate and support the Philadelphia community.

As brothers of Alpha Kappa Psi, we are united by our passion for business, commitment to brotherhood, and dedication to the community. Through the resources available exclusively to AKPsi brothers and the invaluable support we provide to one another, we count among our membership leaders of other campus organizations, members of Deans' Lists, successful entrepreneurs, and valued members of the community.

When our brothers move on after college, they join our worldwide alumni network -- stretching over 125,000 members -- more prepared, more confident, and more connected. Whether you are a prospective brother, treasured alumnus, collegiate colleague, or corporate partner, I invite you to see for yourself why we are all proud to call ourselves lifetime Brothers of Alpha Kappa Psi.


Most Recent
Question: Is spring rush the only option for freshman? - Anonymous

Yes, freshmen are not allowed to rush in the fall. 

- Alpha Kappa Psi
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: When will you start recruiting members? - Anonymous

We kick off our open rush process within the first weeks of the semester. Check out our Instagram for more details and to stay connected.

- Alpha Kappa Psi
~0 people found this question helpful~

Basic Info

0 Registered (50 - 100 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Application Required

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Rush occurs at the beginning of every semester. Check out our website or social media for more info!

Additional Pages