Alpha Phi Omega

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Club Mission

Alpha Phi Omega is a student organization at the University of Pennsylvania, and is a national, gender inclusive service fraternity that has set the standard for college campus-based volunteerism since 1925. We have active chapters on over 350 campuses, and we strive to help each individual member develop leadership skills, experience friendship on many levels and provide service to others. For more information about APO and its mission, please click here.



Meet & Greet: Meet current brothers and learn about APO over fun ice breakers!

DAY 1: 1/27 evening

DAY 2: 1/30 evening

DAY 3: 1/31 evening

**Exact time and locations to be announced on Instagram: @apo_upenn


Lellowship: Learn about fellowship and leadership from our vice presidents!

2/3 evening

Big-Little Mixer: Mingle with current brothers who are searching for their next little!

2/6 evening

Rush Interviews: Learn more about APO while giving us the chance to get to know you better!

Attend ONE of the two interviews:

Interview 1: 2/8 (multiple time slots available)

Interview 2: 2/9 (multiple time slots available)

Speed Dating: Come meet YOUR potential future big!

2/11 evening

Rush Service: Bond with other fellow rushes over acts of service!

2/15 from morning to afternoon

**Exact time and locations to be announced on Instagram: @apo_upenn

We understand that schedules can be busy, and we want to ensure everyone has a fair opportunity to participate. If you’re unable to attend any of the events, please don’t hesitate to email us at We’re happy to accommodate and work with you so you can still be part of the experience!

Please fill out this interest form if you are interested in rushing and would like to be placed on our listserv. Feel free to email with any questions or concerns. We're excited to meet you!Spring 2025 Rush Interest Form 


Most Recent
Question: Hi! Are there dues for this fraternity? - Anonymous

Hi! We ask for a relatively low amount in dues. We also have financial aid and payment plan options facilitated by our treasurer.

- Alpha Phi Omega
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: Hi! Is it too late to join in this semester? I'm just coming across this page/club now and I'm definitely interested! I love service and would love to get to know other people who love service too! - Naomi Fink

Hello! You are very welcome to join now. Please email with your name and year!

- Alpha Phi Omega
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: I have a class from 7-10 pm on Tuesday the 9th. Since I am unable to make the mandatory event that night, does that mean I can't rush or won't be able to receive a bid? - Anonymous

Not at all! If you have another commitment or extenuating circumstance, email the pledge eds at to let them know and they will keep track of it!

- Alpha Phi Omega
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: Hi! After spring rush events, will there be a closed rush process/application to fill in? I am a bit unclear on the application process. - Anonymous
Hi! All of the events listed encompass the entirety of our rushing process! It is a completely open process for all majors, years, and genders! As long as you attend 1 meet and greet, and the three other events listed, and demonstrate interest in and seem to abide by the morals of APO you will receive a bid. Like we mentioned before it is a completely open process to everyone and there is no “open/closed rush”. Just the events listed! If you have more questions feel free to ask them here, DM us on facebook or instagram, or email apoexec.communicationschair@gmail.con
- Alpha Phi Omega
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: When does spring recruitment start? - Anonymous
Hi! Our spring recruitment meet & greets will begin Feb. 3rd. More info will be on our facebook and instagram so I recommend checking those as well!
- Alpha Phi Omega
~0 people found this question helpful~

Request Membership

Basic Info

96 Registered (50 - 100 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Attend our rush events at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. All genders, majors, and years are welcome!

Spring 2025 Rush Interest Form 

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