Ase Academy

Civic engagementMentorshipYouthCulturalUndergraduateCommunity ServiceCommunity/Public Service

Club Mission

Ase Academy is a student group at the University of Pennsylvania focused on mentorship and community engagement. Ase consists of Saturday sessions on Penn's campus between undergraduate students and Black middle school students in the West Philadelphia. The program is partnered with Makuu and the Netter Center and is focused on providing supplemental educational support to our students. Since 1999, Ase mentors have provided students with academic and culturally enriching programming and the opportunity to learn on a college campus. 

Apply here: Ase Academy 2024- 2025 Mentor Application - Google Forms 


Most Recent

Basic Info

9 Registered (< 20 Members)

Not Currently Accepting Members

Application Required

Fall Semester


How to Get Involved

Apply: Ase Academy 2024- 2025 Mentor Application - Google Forms (feel free to reach out with any questions to!)

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