Asian Pacific American Nursing Student Association

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Club Mission

We are a student-run group with a Penn Nursing club advisor at the University of Pennsylvania. At Penn, we will foster leadership development, peer mentoring, and engage in social events that will engender relationships that will carry the nursing profession forward. We seek opportunities for students to engage with faculty and community service events, particularly in the APA community.

The primary purposes of APANSA are to:

  • Function as a support group for Asian Pacific American student nurses of all academic levels at Penn by fostering connections between members of the APA Nursing community
  • Identify resources available to Penn students and provide support for APA student nurses by addressing the specific needs of the APA student nursing community at Penn
  • Highlight relevant health issues affecting the Asian/Pacific-Islander American community and bring attention to them on Penn’s campus


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Basic Info

22 Registered (50 - 100 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Feel free to come to any of our events! We hold one General Body Meeting each semester but individuals are free to come to any and all events as they wish.

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