Aspiring Educators at Penn

ProgrammingSocialSpecial InterestPre-professionalCivic engagementMentorshipYouthAdvisingAcademicPeer EducationUndergraduate
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Club Mission

Aspiring Educators at Penn is a community of undergraduate students interested in the field of education. We provide mentorship opportunities, social events, and academic and career resources. The goal of Aspiring Educators at Penn is to connect undergraduate students interested in the field of education and to provide a space for students to explore careers in the field with a particular focus on the teaching profession.


Most Recent
Question: What kinds of events have you done this semester? - Anonymous

So far, we have had a welcome event where we watched an episode of Abbott Elementary and talked about the education system and our interests in the field of education. We have also organized an event where Helen Gym, a former teacher, community organizer, and City Councilmember, came to Penn to talk about education policy and her work in Philly. We are currently collaborating on other exciting events such as a teacher panel, a talk with a TFA recruiter, and a careers in education event!

- Aspiring Educators at Penn
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Basic Info

46 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

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