Atidna International at Penn

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Atidna International, the official Roots* campus affiliate, is a joint Jewish-Arab/Israeli-Palestinian peace group that operates on campuses across the US, Canada, UK, and Israel/Palestine. ‘Atidna’ combines the Hebrew word "Atid" for future with the Arabic suffix "na" for our, to hence mean "our future" in both languages. The club's goals are twofold: solidifying the notion that Jews and Arabs are not enemies and promoting productive dialogue on anything and everything Israel and Palestine. We aim to accomplish this by hosting events with professors and external speakers who showcase the theme of our two peoples being "cousins, not enemies," providing dialogue sessions for Jewish and Arab students on campus, and engaging with and supporting the Roots organization. We are currently the only global institution pursuing joint Jewish-Arab/Israeli-Palestinian dialogue on college campuses.

*Roots aims to foster a "grassroots movement of understanding, nonviolence, and transformation among Israelis and Palestinians." For more info, see


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