Cases over Coffee @ Penn

There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.


We live in a world where connections are everything. Having a strong network is equivalent to having continuous access to career advice, insights into real world business skills, and a strong foundation for any career opportunities ahead. Cases over Coffee has worked hard to build an expansive network of industry professionals that are willing and able to offer insightful advice to high performing and motivated individuals.

CoC UPenn would be an active networking club, which would facilitate repeated interactions between its members and industry professionals / colleges worldwide.

Our intended mode of interaction would be to:

- Do a series of curated Masterclasses led by professionals from BCG, Bain, McKinsey, Google and the likes. These professionals are already part of our extensive CoC network and UPenn students will have full access to these connections.

- Conduct skill development workshops: Cover letter, Resume, Case Studies by industry (VC, PE, etc), Financial Modelling, Interview prep. Building such skills from an early collegiate career will have huge benefits for all the members during recruiting.

- Organize intra-competitions such as elevator pitches, case competitions, entrepreneurial pitches by linking with other global institutes to give members various real world experiences to learn from.

The main goal of the club would be to provide members with constant networking opportunities and skill development opportunities to improve career outcomes.


Most Recent

Basic Info

0 Registered (< 20 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Audition Required

Unknown Recruitment Cycle


How to Get Involved

We will have an application & interest form out shortly!

Additional Pages