Christian Union Martus

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Club Mission

Christian Union (CU) Martus is a Christian club at Penn dedicated to increasing Christian leadership capacity. We hold to three core values: encouraging fervent, wholehearted seeking of the Lord; keeping students steeped in Scripture; and developing Christian leaders to transform culture. We hold multiple weekly events, including prayer meetings, guest speakers, Bible Courses, and game nights. We would love for you to join us in growing in the Lord during your college years – whether you come from a faith background or are exploring your options!

Our activities are built around our ministry teams, which include:

  • Bible Courses: weekly student Bible studies with a tight-knit group of peers
  • Philia: provides space for students to connect, worship, and hear from a guest speaker each week
  • Discipleship: matches underclassmen with upperclassmen within CU to foster Christ-centered relationships
  • Seeking God Lifestyle: partake in daily prayers and semester fasting events
  • Conferences: gives students a chance to step away from Penn during our semester retreats and focus on spiritual growth
  • Socials: partake in events for fellowship (movie nights, Phillies games, etc.)
  • Outreach: share the love of Christ with others on Penn’s campus and in the greater Philadelphia community
  • Worship: lifting up praise to the Lord
  • Communications: keeping students informed on CU events

Please reach out if you are interested in pursuing the Lord with a faithful group of Christians on campus!


Most Recent
Question: What is Christian Union like from a student perspective? - Anonymous

“Coming into college, I was nervous about leaving my Christian fellowship at home, but joining CU has gifted me with an amazing community of peers to lean on, learn from, and grow with in faith. I have met some of my best friends through CU—my favorite memory from CU has to be Brogram reveal nights, where I got a big and little bro that have become such close friends and mentors for me. The last three years in CU have been a blessing, and my genuine and supportive peers in CU are a reassuring constant through all the ups and downs of college!” - Megha Thomas CAS '24

- Christian Union Martus
~3 people found this question helpful~
Question: What kind of events does Christian Union hold? - Anonymous

Christian Union holds a variety of events from weekly bible studies with your respective grade & gender, Philia group worship nights & guest speaker sessions, daily prayer sessions, semester retreats, and our famous Friday night hangouts (Freshman and Friends). We also plan many social events ranging from baseball games, movie nights, Christmas parties, Galentines, Friendsgiving, zoo trips, and much more!

- Christian Union Martus
~3 people found this question helpful~
Question: What are Bible Courses? - Anonymous

Bible Courses are groups of students of the same year and gender who meet weekly to study through a book of the Bible each semester. They are led by upperclassmen or Christian Union ministry leaders and offer high-quality biblical teaching and a space for students to grow in the Lord together!

- Christian Union Martus
~7 people found this question helpful~

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29 Registered (50 - 100 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

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How to Get Involved

The best way to get involved is to fill out this Interest Form and join our Slack

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