Dell Women's Entrepreneur Network @ Penn

TechnologyConsultingSpecial InterestPre-professionalMentorshipYouthBusinessDesignEntrepreneurshipMediaAcademicInstructionalUndergraduateGraduate
There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.


We are a University of Pennsylvania student club endorsed by Dell Women's Entrepreneur Network, a global network of women entrepreneurs established by Dell Technologies in 2009. A gateway to become involved with DWEN's Next Gen Group. DWEN@Penn is the exclusive on-campus liaison and coordinator for DWEN and Dell-sponsored events including recruiting, seminars, mentorship, etc. Founder of DWEN@Penn is a Next Gen Leader (18-30) of DWEN Global. All graduate and undergraduate members of the Penn Community are welcome!


Most Recent
Question: How is DWEN@Penn different from the DWEN global community? What is Young Entrepreneurs Group? Do I need to be a member to participate in DWEN events? - Anonymous

DWEN was founded by Dell and run by Dell professionals and volunteers around the world to bring women entrepreneurs together and help them connect with each other, scale their businesses, and ultimately succeed. The community welcomes all levels of entrepreneurs, from start-ups to scale-ups. DWEN Young Entrepreneurs Group (YEG) is a newly founded sub-division of DWEN to cater to the needs of aspiring entrepreneurs under the age of 30.

DWEN@Penn is the first Dell endorsed DWEN collegiate student club in the east coast (second in the USA after UT Austin). We act as a bridge connecting Penn and DWEN/Dell in offering both global programs and Penn specific programs. YEG helps DWEN/Dell identify and proactively help the next generation entrepreneurs. 

Yes, you have to be a member to participate in events or volunteer. We recommend that you join both DWEN@Penn and DWEN to become a member of an amazing network both locally and globally. DWEN@Penn events including YEG, local competitions, seminars, recruiting, etc. will be member-specific. DWEN@Penn is a campus triumvirate partner with Penn Innovation Network (PIN).

More questions? Feel free to email us!

- Sapphira Ching
~1 people found this question helpful~

Basic Info

0 Registered (> 100 Members)

Not Currently Accepting Members

Application Required

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Fill out this form to join general membership in DWEN@Penn:

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