SocialCulturalUndergraduateGraduateLGBTQ+First Generation Low Income (FGLI)Cultural/InternationalPeer Education/Support


FGLIQ, a student group on campus, is a space for queer students and alumni who are also first-generation and/or low-income. Our community comprises undergraduates, LPS students, graduate students, and alumni. 

With connections to both the FGLI Program at the Greenfield Intercultural Center (GIC) and the LGBT Center, FGLIQ provides a space for members to form friendships and informal mentorship and to discover networking opportunities. Although most FGLIQ meetings are more social, we hold some meetings specifically for resources, speakers, and occasionally a panel. 


Most Recent

Basic Info

6 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Open Recruitment


How to Get Involved

Please reach out to us on Facebook (@upennfgliq), message us on Instagram (@upennfgliq), or send us an email (upennfgliq@gmail.com) if you'd like to be added to our listserv and be among the first to know about upcoming events.

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