Keynotes A Cappella

SocialMusicA CappellaUndergraduateGraduateArtsArts/Performance
There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.

Club Mission

We're a co-ed student a cappella group under the University of Pennsylvania that performs music spanning across a variety of genres, including pop, indie, alt, and rock. The Keynotes mission is to foster musical talent and creativity, particularly by exclusively using arrangements created by its own members. Keynotes aims to share this creativity with others through performances. 


Most Recent
Question: Hi! When are auditions for fall 2021, and what would we need to do for said auditions? - Connie Pan

Hi there! Fall 2021 open call auditions will be this Sunday Sept 5th, and Monday Sept 6th, from 11am to midnight in Williams. You can show up at any time and sign up (in person) for a fifteen minute audition slot! Signup sheets will be posted outside the audition room, and please come prepared with a verse and chorus of your favorite song. Looking forward to seeing you there!

- Keynotes A Cappella
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: What's the weekly time commitment for a Keynotes A Cappella member? Thank you! - Anonymous
During a usual semester, we'd have around 4-5 hours of rehearsal a week :)
- Keynotes A Cappella
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: Here's the SAC fair zoom link! - Michelle Zhou
~0 people found this question helpful~

Basic Info

5 Registered (< 20 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Application Required

Fall Semester


How to Get Involved

Fall 2024 open call auditions will be Sunday Sept 1st, and Monday Sept 2nd, from 12pm to 10pm in Williams. You can show up at any time and sign up (in person) for a fifteen minute audition slot! Sign-up sheets will be posted outside the audition room, and please come prepared with a verse and chorus of your favorite song!

Additional Pages