We, the students of the NOMAS Penn Chapter of the National Organization of Minority of Architects, have come together to enhance our education, network with professionals, and begin to define solutions which will ensure a healthy living and working environment for the total community.
We find, as minorities studying architecture, a community of purpose and cultural experience that warrants our combined efforts in the advancement of our future profession, our respective activities in it, and the needs of the communities we will serve. Minorities in architecture are qualified to provide professional services in all areas of our environment, but because of his/her particular sensitivity to the minority community; he/she has a unique qualification to provide services and solve problems therein. By consolidating our thinking, economic power, political power and other resources, our ability to achieve these goals is greatly enhanced.
To these ends, we establish this organization which is built on the bonds of the common professional interests that brings us together; and equally, on the bonds of friendship and fraternity that will sustain and enrich our association.
We have organized to build our knowledge and expertise, and join hands with other organized disciplines to prepare to address issues confronting our communities.