Natives at Penn (NAP)

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Club Mission

Natives at Penn (NAP) is Penn's Native student organization representing Native American, Native Hawaiian, Alaska Native, and Indigenous students, dedicated to increasing awareness of Native & Indigenous culture, history, and contemporary issues, while enhancing the visibility of Native & Indigenous students on campus, which is on Lenape Land. 

Our goals for the future of the NAP community are to:

  1. Improve recruitment and retention efforts for Native students by working with admissions, connecting with Native youth, and building a community that supports one another and our individual aspirations.
  2. Connect Native students, staff, alumni, and allies through events such as Penn's annual Powwow, our Indigenous Peoples' Day celebration, numerous speaker presentations, and other outings and activities that build cultural-awareness and strengthen community
  3. Build our programming by advocating for more academic and professional resources, working with other intercultural groups to celebrate our intersectionalities, and hosting more social gatherings that spark joy.

NAP is open to everyone! Whether you have been highly immersed in your culture, still learning or wanting to learn more about your heritage, or even if you don't identify as Native but want to learn about Indigenous issues and be an ally, we are excited to welcome you all!


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Basic Info

36 Registered (< 20 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Both Semesters


Greenfield Intercultural Center (3708 Chestnut Street) or 204 in ARCH

How to Get Involved

1) Register as a Club Member on Penn Clubs.
2) Complete our Member Registration Form:

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