oSTEM at Penn

SocialTechnologyPre-professionalScienceEngineeringAcademicCommunity ServiceAdvocacyUndergraduateLGBTQ+Academic/Pre-ProfessionalAcademic/Pre-Professional
There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.


oSTEM student-run club targeted towards queer students studying STEM. Our mission is to provide professional development, community building, and advocacy within the Penn community. We run a variety of events intended to connect students to peers, faculty, and industry professionals, including panels, dinner discussions, workshops, socials, and more. A few of our members also travel to the annual national oSTEM conference every year. We strive to make a difference in the queer community nationwide through fundraising and/or service events. All students are welcome at our events, but our board is limited to queer students. Don't forget to sign up for our listserv at this link

[a student group at the University of Pennsylvania]


Most Recent

Basic Info

25 Registered (50 - 100 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Open Recruitment


How to Get Involved

All students are welcome to come to any of our events. Board positions are limited to queer students, and are sent out through the listserv in November, so keep an eye out for those. Any involvement in STEM is welcome, be it a major, a minor, or even just an interest!

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