Penn Aerial Robotics

ProgrammingTechnologyPre-professionalScienceCompetitiveEngineeringDesignUndergraduateGraduateInstructional/CompetitiveESACSACInstructional/CompetitiveESAC FairInstructional/Competitive


Penn Aerial Robotics (Penn AiR) is student-led team for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and robots. The club aims to provide students with the resources to construct, develop and test their own UAVs, travel to and compete at inter-collegiate competitions, and to connect with people who share this same passion. For the 2023 season, we will be building two aircraft to compete at SAE Aero Design East in March/April 2024.


Most Recent
Question: Can you be considered for both Mechanical and Software? - John D'Ambrosio

So this year we're meeting all at the same time which means it won't be possible to join both teams. It does mean that there will be easier collaboration between the teams and ample opportunities to crossover. I'd encourage you to apply to the team you are most interested in and if you get in we can find ways for you to participate in the other team.

Alternatively, you are welcome to apply to both teams. Your applications would be considered separately by the respective team leads, increasing your chances, and if you get into both you could choose which to join. To do this just submit the application twice, once as a software applicant and once as mechanical. Feel free to reuse your answers for the questions they have in common.

- Andrew Brose
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Question: Can graduate students participate, and have they in the past? - Anonymous

Graduate students can definitely participate and have been on the team in previous semesters. However, they are not allowed to vote in board elections because this is technically an undergraduate club. We also meet on weekends which has been an obstacle for some grad students who don't live near campus.

- Andrew Brose
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Question: How much programming do you need to know to join? Is it okay if you only know the basics? - Anonymous

While programming experience is useful for the software team, it is absolutely not a requirement for joining. Many of our members had no coding experience upon joining, but they were eager to learn throughout the semester. This is expected to be new material. We are looking for hardworking individuals who will take the initiative to do the research and learn, not know it all coming in.

- Andrew Brose
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Question: Do you have to be in SEAS to join - Pavan Iyengar

Nope! Anyone interested in robotics is welcome to apply. Our team and even our board includes students from across the university. What we're really looking for is dedicated hardworking members, not people in specific majors.

- Andrew Brose
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Basic Info

22 Registered (50 - 100 Members)

Not Currently Accepting Members

Application Required

Fall Semester


How to Get Involved

Applications are now closed! Feel free to follow our instagram @pennaerialrobotics to stay updated.

Additional Pages