PAC is a student group at the University of Pennsylvania that inspires Penn students to overcome the impossible. It is one of the most dynamic, fastest growing, and visible student groups in the University. PAC offers students a hands-on project oriented experience and guides them towards aerospace technology innovation.
The club is divided into four sub-teams: Rocket, Balloon, Aircraft, and Jet Propulsion. Each team strives to achieve excellence in its technical projects, collaborative work, and community events.
As the primary aerospace-focused group on campus, PAC is comprised of the best aerospace talent Penn has to offer. We serve a wide audience, with over 100 members, and the club continues to grow every semester with new recruits. Applications to Subteams are open at the beginning of Fall and Spring semester. Check the website page to see if the current semester's application is available!
Feel free to reach out the individual team leads:
Co-Directors: Zachary ( & Meiling (
Aircraft: Chris (
Rocket: Kayla (
Balloon: Meiling (
Jet Propulsion: Dhaval (