Aerospace Club

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Club Mission

PAC is a student group at the University of Pennsylvania that inspires Penn students to overcome the impossible. It is one of the most dynamic, fastest growing, and visible student groups in the University. PAC offers students a hands-on project oriented experience and guides them towards aerospace technology innovation. 

The club is divided into four sub-teams: Rocket, Balloon, Aircraft, and Jet Propulsion. Each team strives to achieve excellence in its technical projects, collaborative work, and community events.

As the primary aerospace-focused group on campus, PAC is comprised of the best aerospace talent Penn has to offer. We serve a wide audience, with over 100 members, and the club continues to grow every semester with new recruits. Applications to Subteams are open at the beginning of Fall and Spring semester. Check the website page to see if the current semester's application is available!

Feel free to reach out the individual team leads:

Co-Directors: Zachary ( & Meiling (

Aircraft: Chris (

Rocket: Kayla (

Balloon: Meiling (

Jet Propulsion: Dhaval (



Most Recent
Question: Hi, I wasn't able to apply to Penn Aerospace in the fall semester. Will there be an opportunity for me to apply in the beginning of spring semester? - Anonymous

Hi, thanks for your interest in joining PAC! Yes, we normally open applications at the beginning of the Spring Semester, albeit the class is normally smaller than during the Fall.

- Aerospace Club
~3 people found this question helpful~
Question: What's the interview process like? Is it competitive? - Anonymous
The interview process varies based on which team(s) you apply to, but interviews tend to be non-technical and low-stress. We know many applicants don't have a high-level of technical knowledge in the discipline, so we specifically cater interviews to touch on other important areas such as dedication/passion, ability to learn new skills, and leadership. The interview process can be competitive depending on the year/team.
- Aerospace Club
~1 people found this question helpful~
Question: Do you only take engineering students? - Anonymous
No! We take students of all backgrounds!
- Aerospace Club
~1 people found this question helpful~
Question: Do I need to have any previous experience in aerospace or engineering? - Anonymous
No! In fact, most of our students haven't done anything with aerospace before they joined the club. The most important quality for a potential new member is a willingness to dedicate themselves to the club.
- Aerospace Club
~1 people found this question helpful~

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Basic Info

29 Registered (50 - 100 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

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Open Recruitment


How to Get Involved

Fill out the application here! Also, check out our social media and be sure to bookmark this page!

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