Benjamins Peer Counseling at Penn

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Club Mission

Benjamins Peer Counseling (formly Penn Benjamins), a student-run organization, is a peer counseling service for Penn undergraduates. Peer counselors, or "Bens," are trained using a CAPS-clinician-certified set of modules, preparing them to listen to and support students, and refer them to campus resources, if necessary. Our peer counseling is completely confidential and free. You can come to vent, chat, chill, play a video game, or all of the above! It is a safe space for everyone, so come join us, Sundays-Thursdays 8-11PM EST! Join us in Van Pelt in rooms 101.9 and 101.10 or on zoom: link here


Most Recent
Question: How confidential is the counseling services? - Anonymous

Our services are entirely confidential. Each year, every counselor signs a written agreement to uphold our strict confidentiality policy. While we work closely with Wellness@Penn and use our own clinician-certified training module, we are a fully student-run organization and are NOT mandated reporters. This means that we are neither required nor authorized to share any information you disclose. The only exception is in emergencies, where a peer expresses intent to harm themselves or others. In such cases, the Board Director—using their discretion—may decrypt a peer’s Penn ID and provide limited information to our on-call psychologist to ensure the peer receives immediate support.

- Benjamins Peer Counseling at Penn
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Basic Info

29 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Not Currently Accepting Members

Application and Interview Required

Spring Semester


How to Get Involved

Applications EXTENDED DEADLINE: FEB 6th 11:59 PM

Application: CLICK HERE 

Upon admission, trainees will undergo a semester 6 week long training in the spring. An assessment at the end of training is given to reaffirm each new member's peer counseling skills. Our new peer counselors are then able to join the rest of the members in providing Penn Benjamins' services to the Penn community the following semester after training.

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