Penn Chinese Calligraphy



Penn Chinese Calligraphy (PCC) is a club at the University of Pennsylvania dedicated to providing a community for students who are interested in learning more about traditional Chinese art and calligraphy. Through weekly practices and presentations on the history, artists, and notable works of Chinese painting and calligraphy, we seek to bring together descendants of this time-honored tradition and promote its influence on Chinese culture.


Most Recent

Basic Info

27 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Join the Penn Chinese Calligraphy (PCC)! We are a newly founded club currently looking for students passionate about Chinese calligraphy and all kinds of traditional Chinese painting. Drop by Fridays 6-7pm at ARCH Fireside Lounge (but please check email as we may need to switch our locations occasionally). If you’re interested in joining the club, please fill out this interest form and join our GroupMe . No application or any experience is required for general members. ** More info about board apps will follow (application here )

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