Penn Club Field Hockey

CompetitiveUndergraduateRecreationClub SportsSports/RecreationalSCCSports/RecreationSports/Recreational


Club Field Hockey was started at the University of Pennsylvania in 1996 in order to promote the game across the university. We compete in the Central Division of the National Field Hockey League. We have Fall and Spring seasons, which run from September to November and March to April, respectively. During each season, we practice twice a week on the Ellen Vagelos C'90 Field and have tournaments at home and on the road during the weekends. Our team is co-ed and members represent undergraduates, exchange students, and graduate students at the University of Pennsylvania. Our team qualified for the National Field Hockey League Fall Championship in 2018 and 2019, advancing to the Top 8 both years. Please check out our website for more information! 


Most Recent

Basic Info

6 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Tryout Required

Fall Semester


How to Get Involved

Please fill out our interest form (linked below and on our website) to join our team communications. We usually have 2 days of tryouts in September at Vagelos Field, and more information will be released as the dates are finalized. If you have any experience playing field hockey, we encourage you to come and tryout!

Interest Form:

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