Club Gymnastics at Penn

CompetitiveUndergraduateGraduateClub SportsSports/RecreationalSCC
There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.

Club Mission

Club Gymnastics is a student-run club team at the University of Pennsylvania managed through PennRec and SCC/SAC. Penn Club Gym aims to provide an opportunity for both beginners and experienced gymnasts to develop their skills and continue their love of the sport.

Penn Club Gymnastics is part of the National Association of Intercollegiate Gymnastics Clubs (NAIGC), which allows us to compete in meets throughout the year and compete in the National Championships at the end of the spring semester. The nearly 80 NAIGC clubs across the country form a friendly community in which gymnasts, from beginners to advanced, can learn and compete together.

After 2 years of inactivity, we are excited to be bringing back Club Gym at Penn! Please contact for more information and to be a part of the revival of Penn Club Gymnastics!


Most Recent
Question: Is this club still active? If so, can those with no experience try out? - Anonymous

Yes! Please reach out to for more info :)

- Club Gymnastics at Penn
~1 people found this question helpful~
Question: Are you currently accepting new members? - Sophia Liston

Yes! Reach out to for more info

- Club Gymnastics at Penn
~1 people found this question helpful~

Basic Info

0 Registered (< 20 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Application Required

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Send an email to for more info!

Additional Pages