Penn Effective Altruism

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There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.
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Club Mission

What is Penn Effective Altruism? We are a group of Penn students unified by a common desire to do the most we can to improve the world — by tackling climate change, effective policy, global poverty, novel technology safety, animal welfare, pandemic prevention, and more. 

💡 What is effective altruism? Effective altruism is a research field and social movement about using evidence and reason to find the best ways to help others. If you’re interested in blending empathy with rigor and intellectual discussion — this is the club for you. If you want to think about and act on your desire to improve the world — this is the club for you. 

The broader effective altruist community’s focus is broad and spans from effective philanthropy and advocacy (see orgs like GiveWell, Open Philanthropy) to career advising (i.e. 80,000 Hours) to global priorities research (i.e. Oxford’s Global Priorities Institute, Cambridge’s Center for Study of Existential Risk), and the community’s focus and theories of change are constantly-evolving.

🚀 How do I sign up? To stay updated, subscribe to our newsletter (, and join our Slack (!

🥂 2023 Exploration Fellowship This year, we’re holding multiple open beginning-of-semester sessions combined with a selective workshop at Rethink Priorities’ Philadelphia office — with the aim of showcasing various ways in which various people have applied these ideas (e.g. philanthropy, policy, long-term future, research, business, critiques of effective altruism). If you’d like to attend the workshop, join in the sessions!

📢 Past workshop speakers we’ve brought in — remarkable people who have seriously thought about and acted on their desire to improve the world:

 - Danny Bressler, former climate staff economist at the Council of Economic Advisors under the Biden Administration

 - Jacob Peacock, Senior Research Manager at Rethink Priorities focusing on plant-based meat alternatives

 - Abraham Rowe, COO at Rethink Priorities

 - Quinn McHugh, Director of Effective Altruism Philly

 - Ellen McGeoch, Director of Contracting at NeuroFlow

 - Matt Coleman, Affiliated Researcher at the Effective Altruism Psychology Lab 

Last updated Aug 5, 2023.


Most Recent
Question: What connections does the club help you make to pursue an impactful career? - Anonymous

We utilize the network of various effective altruist organizations — from effective philantropy (see orgs like GiveWell, Open Philantropy) to career advising (i.e. 80,000 Hours) to global priorities research (i.e. Oxford’s Global Priorities Institute, Cambridge’s Center for Study of Existential Risk).

We've had some pretty unique speakers in the past, including a former economic advisor to President Biden's Council of Economic Advisors, the CEO of FP21 (effective foreign policy thinktank), the founder of High Impact Engineers, and the President of Philly Effective Altruism.

- Penn Effective Altruism
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: How do I join the club? - Anonymous
  1. Come to our weekly GBMs (Tuesdays 7-8pm at NCHW/Gutmann College House 560)
  2. Schedule a 1-on-1 coffee chat with a board member at 
  3. Join our mailing list/listserve at
- Penn Effective Altruism
~1 people found this question helpful~
Question: Are there opportunities for entrepreneurship or consulting projects? - Anonymous

There are plenty of opportunities that are available in effective altruism-related spaces, and we'd be happy to help you pursue any entrepreneurial, consulting, or research projects that you think would be valuable. We'd do this mainly by connecting you to relevant people, organizations, or projects that would be of interest, rather than directly managing these projects directly (i.e. we don't have consulting projects).

- Penn Effective Altruism
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: If I’m unsure about my career path, can I join? - Anonymous

Yes! We're focused on navigating our career paths and options to find ones that lead to the highest impact, and are happy to help regardless of where you are in your journey. If you're interested, we love to have 1-on-1 chats about career paths, and you're welcome to schedule a meeting for that here:

- Penn Effective Altruism
~1 people found this question helpful~
Question: What is the cohorts program, and how do I join it? - Anonymous

The Impactful Career Cohorts we run create small communities of impact-minded people and provide structures to encourage students to pursue high-impact careers. This comes in the form of various opportunities we provide, including a weekend career workshop, biweekly sessions on various cause areas in effective altruism, skill development workshops, and dinners/discussions with unique speakers. 

More specific information and links to join are at, or you can send us an email at

- Penn Effective Altruism
~1 people found this question helpful~

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Basic Info

60 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Sign up for our listserve ( and join the Slack ( to join the club and to stay informed about upcoming events / opportunities! Send us an email at if you are interested in helping organize / take on a leadership role. 

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