Penn For Liberty

Civic engagementPoliticsUndergraduatePolitical/AdvocacySACPolitical/Advocacy


Penn for Liberty is a student group committed to the principle of liberty and the promotion of a free society. We believe that all people should have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We are nonpartisan and welcome all political and ideological leanings, cultivating a diversity of thought that stimulates great discussions.

Our meetings are held weekly on Zoom or in-person whenever the club is free to meet. Meetings alternate between in-depth political discussion one week and lighter “happy hour” meetings the next. In addition to holding discussions, debates, and speaking events, we also publish Op-ed pieces on pressing political and campus issues. Working closely with organizations such as Young Americans for Liberty, Freedomworks, Students for Sensible Drug Policy, and the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, our members have many opportunities to further their careers through internships and meaningful experiences.


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Question: Is this club active? - Anonymous

Yes! Let me know your email and I can add you to the email list!

- Kevin Mani
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Basic Info

24 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Open Recruitment


How to Get Involved

Email us and attend our weekly meeting!

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