Penn German Society

SocialGlobal affairsPeer EducationCulturalUndergraduateGraduateCultural/InternationalSACCultural/InternationalCultural/InternationalCultural/International


The Penn German Society, a Student Organization at the University of Pennsylvania, provides a platform for the German-speaking community at Penn and aims to promote issues related to German-speaking countries and German as a language.

We regularly organize events like German language pairing, speaker series and social gatherings.

Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with current events: 


Most Recent
Question: Do you guys have any plans for meetings/events for this fall 2024? - Anonymous

Yes! PGS will begin again when students return to campus in August. 

- Bruno Basner
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Question: Hallo! Do you guys have any plans for meetings/events for this fall 2023? - Anonymous

Hallo! Yes! We have many events coming up. We will announce them soom. Stay tuned to our instagram:

and join our whatsapp groupchat:

- Maria Solaeche
~1 people found this question helpful~
Question: Is this club open to graduate students? If not, is there a graduate student analog to this club? - Anonymous

Yes! Graduate students are welcome to join the club

~0 people found this question helpful~

Basic Info

90 Registered (50 - 100 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Open Recruitment


How to Get Involved

To become part of the club, simply click on 'I'm a member'!

We highly reccomend that you join our WhatsApp group aswell

Also sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest updates about events:

Additional Pages