Penn Hillel

FoodSocialMusicMentorshipA CappellaCommunity ServiceCulturalUndergraduateReligious/SpiritualPeer Education/SupportPRISM
There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.


Welcome to Penn Hillel!

Penn Hillel is one the best parts of being at Penn. Each year, Hillel reaches over 2,200 undergraduate students with a dizzying array of different Jewish opportunities ranging from social justice to Israel, and from Jewish culture offerings to Jewish religious expression. No matter what your interest or Jewish background, Penn Hillel is there to get know each and every Jewish student by name and by story so that we can help connect them to the next set of experiences, communities, and relationships that will provoke them to grow into Jewish adulthood.

Penn Hillel's mission is to create the relationships, experiences, and communities that provoke students to engage in a process of “Jewish Self-authorship.”

 Self-Authorship is a term used to describe the process by which students come to understand themselves on their own terms and through which they enter into adulthood.

Penn Hillel is a large student group of the University of Pennsylvania.


Most Recent

Basic Info

0 Registered (> 100 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Unknown Recruitment Cycle


How to Get Involved

Sign up for the listserve here--

Reach out to the presidents here--

Lauren Krasilovsky: and Olivia Domansky:

Additional Pages