Request Membership

Club Mission

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or IEEE, is a professional association for electronics engineering, electrical engineering, and other related disciplines. We are Penn's IEEE Student Branch. As a branch, we aim to create a stronger community within the ESE department by hosting networking and social events, providing academic support, and advocating for the student population.

Interested in learning more? Join our listserv here

Would you like to meet an experienced upperclassman in IEEE@Penn? Click this link to sign up for a coffee chat. 

Interested in robot wrestling? Join IEEE Sumobot here by filling out the interest form here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out via email or Instagram!


Most Recent
Question: I've submitted a request to join the club on Penn Clubs. Is there anything else (e.g. an application) I have to do in order to officially join? - Anonymous

We are reviewing all requests now. Please be patience. 

- IEEE@Penn
~0 people found this question helpful~

Request Membership

Basic Info

75 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Open Recruitment


How to Get Involved

Join our Discord!

Instagram: @penn_ieee 

Join Sumobot! 

More info | Interest form | Instagram: @sumobotpenn 

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