A Bit About PIIC
Penn International Impact Consulting is the oldest student-run consultancy at Penn providing pro-bono consulting services to NGOs and social entrepreneurs worldwide. We are composed of some of the brightest and most passionate globally-minded students from all four schools at the University of Pennsylvania.
PIIC is committed to empowering NGOs and social entrepreneurs in developing regions through meaningful work and international on-site engagements that make it unique to Penn’s community.

Our Work
Our consultants work with NGOs and social enterprises on a diverse set of projects and deliverables throughout the school year and at the NGO’s headquarters during the first month of summer. Our overall goal is to take what we’ve learned at Penn and during our unique training sessions to create sustainable and long-term social impact for our partners.
Since the founding of PIIC, we’ve made good on our mission to create long-lasting global change. We have visited more than 40 countries on every continent aside from Oceania and Antarctica. We have partnered with more than 70 NGOs with specialties ranging from peacebuilding, HIV transmission prevention, to rural development. We have had the pleasure of scoping, completing, and analyzing the impact of more than 85 unique onsite and offsite consulting engagements. To learn more about our past projects, check out our annual report or visit https://penniic.org/client-services

Our Family
PIIC members have so much more than just a working relationship. We are a small, close-knit community where everyone knows each other. Over the course of the year, we plan several social events for the club as a whole in addition to any events your individual consulting team plans.
Also, the time you will spend with your consulting team, including the three-week on-site trip, is what makes PIIC a real family. Members in PIIC have found roommates, marathon partners, ice-skating instructors, and lifelong friends in each other!

Make an Impact
For the upcoming school year, you will have the opportunity to join PIIC’s 2023 Associate Consultant Class. We have members across all undergraduate schools and you need zero consulting or business experience to join us - we'll teach you everything you need to know! If you are somebody with a passion for social impact, who collaborates well in teams, and is genuinely curious about learning and growing through PIIC, there is a place for you!

More From Us
Check out our videos to learn more about PIIC Culture, Projects, Trips, and why you should join!