Penn International Impact Consulting - PIIC Application


Application Required

Penn International Impact Consulting - PIIC requires an application process to join the club. You can subscribe to this club to get notified when applications open and close. This club typically recruits its members during fall semester.

Penn International Impact Consulting - PIIC provides the following information on how to get involved with the club:

We will be recruiting an incoming cohort of Associate Consultants this fall. Class of '27 and Class of '28 from all schools and majors are welcome to apply! Be sure to follow our Instagram Page (piic.upenn) and visit for all the info on the 2024 Recruiting Cycle including our events, video testimonials, projects, interview tips, and much more. Also, be sure to hit the bookmark and bell on the top right of this page to be added to our listserv to stay up to date with our upcoming events and recruiting cycle. Learn about how you can make an impact, build professional skills, discover career opportunities, and become a part of the PIIC family 🌏

There are no applications available for Penn International Impact Consulting - PIIC at the moment. This club may not be recruiting at the moment or have not entered their application information into Penn Clubs.

Already a member?

Are you an existing member of Penn International Impact Consulting - PIIC, but not listed on Penn Clubs yet? Use the button below to request to be added to this club on Penn Clubs.

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