Penn J-Bagel

Special InterestReligious/SpiritualCulturalUndergraduateGraduatePRISMLambdaCultural/InternationalCultural/InternationalReligious/Spiritual


J-Bagel is the Jewish Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and Allied community of The University of Pennsylvania. We are an active and diverse student organization run through Penn Hillel, bridging Penn's Jewish and LGBTQIA+ communities.

J-Bagel keeps an active GroupMe where privacy is deeply respected—message us if you would like to be added to it! Not all of our members are both Jewish and LGBTQIA+, so don't be shy!


Most Recent

Basic Info

9 Registered (< 20 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Open Recruitment


How to Get Involved

We are a group specifically made for Jewish and LGBT+ students to be together in a social space and students with both of these identities will always be our priority. However, we welcome people who only possess one of these identities and allies who are from neither community! Events that are closed will be communicated as such clearly.

Send an email to our club email or to one of our student leaders and we will add you to our GroupMe!

Additional Pages