Penn Non-Cis

Peer EducationPoliticsAdvocacyUndergraduateGraduateLGBTQ+PAGELambdaPeer Education/Support


Penn Non-Cis is a student organization working to build a strong community that mutually supports trans people. Non-Cis is short for Non-Cisgender, which is a term that we use to be explicitly inclusive of transgender, nonbinary, gender non-conforming, and questioning folks. We serve undergraduate students, graduate and professional students, faculty, and staff at the University of Pennsylvania.

We hold affinity spaces for non-cis people twice a month at the LGBT Center. We also do educational work that centers gender diverse experiences around campus. (Email if you'd like us to bring a presentation to your group or classroom.)

Fill out this interest form -- we'll add you to our email list and send you the info for our GroupMe. Those platforms will have details on what we're doing each week we meet, any additional events we plan, and share trans-specific resources from around campus.

Email or dm us @pennnonci s with any q uestions.


Most Recent

Basic Info

11 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Fill out our interest form here! 

Additional Pages