Penn Outdoors Club



This student group brings together people who love the outdoors. We faciliatate meeting like minded people, and planning and going on trips. We meet weekly to debrief past trips, plan future trips, and often eat snacks:) We also offer opportunities to learn outdoor skills throughout the year, and have events on campus to allow people to meet other outdoors-y minded peeps.

Points of Contact

PR Manager


Most Recent
Question: Are graduate students allowed to join? - Anonymous

Yes! People from any part of Penn are able to join UPOC and even run for leadership rolls!

- Jake Stanger
~1 people found this question helpful~
Question: Hi there, how could we apply to the club? - Anonymous

Hi! There's no application, just sign up for our listserv and you're in! We're just a community of people who love the outdoors, so in this link I've included, you can sign up for that listserv, and check out and fill out the form to add yourself to our Interactive Map (The WOW). Hopefully it'll help you get outside and meet other outdoors-y minded Penn peeps wherever you are. Find links!Ā 

- Jake Stanger
~1 people found this question helpful~

Basic Info

223 Registered (> 100 Members)

Not Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Open Recruitment


How to Get Involved

Join our Listserv as a general member, or become a full member ($15 for one semester, $25 for the year). Members get free gear rentals, priority access to popular trips, and access to socials. Email for more info.

And pop by our GBM's, every Wednesday at 9 (this semester's location soon to be determined).

Additional Pages