Polyphonia is Penn's first student-led joint Orchestra and Choir, performing works from early music to the modern day. We welcome all musicans; though we primarily expect to be composed of those instruments that make up a classical symphonic orchestra and choir, we absolutely are looking for creative ways to include nontraditional instruments into our repertoire as well!
If you're looking for a way to engage with the performing arts, but are worried about time committment, look no further! Polyphonia provides busy students an opportunity to continue engaging with the arts while keeping commitment attainable. Students may find it hard to maintain involvement with the arts while at Penn, so we hope to be able to create a space where they can enjoy music casually with the option of performance.
Furthermore, Polyphonia is a great platform for meeting other musicians of various talents, as our wide reach encompasses many different musical instruments and styles. It's a great way to find others to perform that Brahms quartet you've been dying to do, and we also hope to offer a stage to perform that quartet upon!
Finally, even if you don't play or sing but want to get involved, feel free to get in touch. We're always looking for people who want to help out, whether that be by making playbills, light or sound design, marketing or outreach, or just about anything we can think of!