Penn Walks to Wellness (W2W)

MentorshipHealthUndergraduateGraduatePeer Education/Support
There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.


Penn Walks to Wellness (W2W) is an organization committed to the overall wellness of the student body, faculty, staff, and members of the Penn community. Beginning with a focus on the Wellness Walks currently conducted in partnership with the Penn Libraries, the Center for Public Health Initiatives (CPHI), and other parties working towards the wellness of the Penn community, it is hoped that this organization will expand to include additional projects run with the Public Health program. 

Penn W2W has several key priorities and initiatives: (1) conduct virtual Wellness Walks designed to further student wellness and community-building (2) foster connections between students and graduate schools (3) allow students to interact and network with professionals from the Netter Center, the Perelman School of Medicine, and more (4) partner with additional wellness-oriented initiatives to further student engagement and well-being.


Most Recent

Basic Info

0 Registered (< 20 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Audition Required

Unknown Recruitment Cycle


How to Get Involved

Hello! We are so excited that you'd like to become more involved with wellness in the Penn community as a member of Penn Walks to Wellness. The following forms allows us to receive your contact information and put your email on an initial listserv, where we will send out more information and a formal application in the coming weeks, as well as more information about our board/supervisors, supervising/associated organizations (Penn Libraries and the Center for Public Health Initiatives), and other initiatives. Thanks so much, and we're looking forward to getting to know all of you better! Link to Listserv Form:

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