Queer and Asian

SocialSpecial InterestMentorshipCulturalAdvocacyUndergraduateLGBTQ+APSCPeer Education/SupportSACCultural/InternationalPeer Education/Support


Penn Queer and Asian (Penn Q&A) is a student group at the University of Pennsylvania dedicated to providing a safe space for the support and empowerment of LGBTQ+ and allied individuals interested in addressing issues of the queer Asian community.

We host numerous social and discussion events each semester. Past events have included boba socials, ConversAsians (discussions on being Q&A), game/movie nights, picnics, and lots of other fun activities!


Most Recent

Basic Info

23 Registered (> 100 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Please fill out this form to join our listserv: https://forms.gle/t6CC6qHCWPsvXnGm8 

Feel free to email us (pennqanda@gmail.com) with any questions!

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