QuestBridge Scholars at Penn

SocialMentorshipCommunity ServicePeer EducationUndergraduateFirst Generation Low Income (FGLI)Peer Education/SupportPeer GroupsSAC
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Club Mission

Quest Scholars at Penn is a campus chapter of QuestBridge Scholars Network (QSN), a national community for individuals who were both selected as National College Match Finalists and attend QuestBridge college partners. This student-run group brings QuestBridge Scholars at Penn together to foster a stronger community and personal relationships, advocate for their needs, and provide all support necessary to allow QuestBridge Scholars thrive.

Our mission is not only to build a supportive and welcoming community for first-generation and low-income students, but also cultivate relationships with other groups and services to support our members. As a chapter, we provide support and offer growth, service and leadership opportunities. By collaborating with other FGLI organizations and Penn administrators, the group offers various events that cover everything from career and academics to social life and mentorship.


Most Recent
Question: What is the best way to be informed about future events? Do you have an email newsletter or something like that? - Anonymous
The best way to be informed about future events is to sign up for our listserv! Future events will also be posted on our social media pages. The links should be posted on this Penn Clubs page!
- QuestBridge Scholars at Penn
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: how do i apply - Anonymous
There is no application to join our club! Just sign up for our listserv and show up to our events!
- QuestBridge Scholars at Penn
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: I'm not a QuestBridge scholar but I am an FGLI student, can I still join the club? - Anonymous
Yes! This club is open to anyone who supports/identifies with our mission! Our mission is not only to build a supportive and welcoming community for first-generation and low-income students, but also cultivate relationships with other groups and services to support our members. As a chapter, we provide support and offer growth, service and leadership opportunities. By collaborating with other FGLI organizations and Penn administrators, the group offers various events that cover everything from career and academics to social life and mentorship.
- QuestBridge Scholars at Penn
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Request Membership

How to Get Involved

Though there are no requirements, we expect that members will attend as many events as they can.


Board Applications for the 2024-25 school year is currently being accepted! Applications are due by September 23rd at 11:59P.M.!

Application link:

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