Reach-A-Peer Helpline

ProgrammingHealthCommunity ServicePeer EducationUndergraduateGraduatePeer Education/SupportPeer GroupsSAC

Club Mission

RAP-Line is a peer helpline established by Penn students to provide peer support, information, and referrals. It is open to all students who wish to share a problem, are in need of information, or just want to talk to someone anonymously and confidentially. The service is run by trained student volunteers who have an awareness of campus resources and skills in active listening techniques. Volunteers acknowledge that they are not professional counselors, but rather peers who provide a warm, safe, unbiased, and supportive environment conducive to self-help. RAP-Line is a stepping-stone in serving the Penn community. The phone call is free, anonymous, and confidential. RAP-Line is not a crisis-intervention line. 

RAP-Line offers two services:

1. 24/7 Text Line
Send a message to 215-515-7332 to connect anonymously with a RAP-Line peer supporter.

2. Phone Line
The Line is available every night from 9 pm to 1 am. Reach us at 215-573-2727. Don't be shy!


Most Recent
Question: Hi! Just wondering, are you taking applications for spring 2025? - Anonymous

Hi! Yes, we will be taking applications for Spring 2025! We will post the application here after the SAC fair :)

- Reach-A-Peer Helpline
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: Hi! When will the application form for Fall 2023 Training Class be posted? - Ziqi Guan

Hi! The application will be posted in late August/early September!

- Reach-A-Peer Helpline
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Question: Hi!, what are the specific responsibilities of members in the club? - Anonymous

Our staffers commit to doing two 4 hr shifts every month!

- Reach-A-Peer Helpline
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Question: Hi! When will the application form for the Spring 2021 training class be posted? - Anya Arora
You can access the application here: Applications are due Friday, February 5th, 2021. Please direct any questions to
- Reach-A-Peer Helpline
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Basic Info

6 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Application Required

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

We are recruiting members for our Spring 2025 Training Class! You can access the application here:

Please direct any questions to

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