
SocialCivic engagementCulturalAdvocacyUndergraduateGraduateCultural/InternationalAPSCSAC
There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.
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Club Mission

Sangam is an Asian-American student discussion group at the University of Pennsylvania. The mission of Sangam is to promote discussion on social, political, and cultural issues pertaining to the Pan-Asian community.

We hold monthly Chai Chat discussions (with free chai and samosas!) on a variety of issues; past topics include representation of Asians in the media, interracial dating, perceptions of beauty, as well as gentrification in and by AAPI communities.

We aim to serve as an outlet for conversation and a resource for proactive solutions. Often our topics are relevant to the broader minority community. Sangam is open to anyone who is interested in discussing these issues and to those who want to engender dialogue and awareness.


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Basic Info

16 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Unknown Recruitment Cycle


How to Get Involved

We have no member expectations. Anyone is free to come to our events!

Join our email listserv by subscribing with the bell icon above or at to stay updated on our upcoming events.

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