Penn Southeast Asian Circle (SEAC)

SocialConsultingBusinessCommunity ServiceCulturalUndergraduateWharton Council

Club Mission


A Wharton Recognized Club, Penn Southeast Asian Circle (SEAC) is the world's first undergraduate business and cultural club dedicated to Southeast Asian students.

Our organization has three main goals:

  1. To enrich the business education of Southeast Asian students at Penn
  2. Cultivate a tightly-knit community among all Southeast Asian groups through cultural and social events
  3. Uplift Southeast Asian communities outside of Penn through volunteering and business consulting services

Club Structure

Divided into three levels, SEAC is comprised of the Member Circle, Committee Circles, and the Executive Circle.

Our Member Circle, which is our GBM program, includes professional and cultural events such as an MBA Mentorship Program, collaborations with other organizations, cultural dinners, volunteering, and so much more.

SEAC also offers five Committee Circles in Consulting, Finance, Professional Development, Marketing, and Member Engagement. From advising Southeast Asian businesses to planning fun events for everyone to enjoy, our Committee Circles are the foundation to our organization.

Lastly, our Executive Circle, which is our Board, helps to make Penn Southeast Asian Circle run smoothly and ensures that we are championing our values in every facet of our club.

About the Founder

Jayden Huynh-Vuong, W’25, grew up in a family of Cambodian and Vietnamese refugees in Glen Allen, VA. 

Seeing the challenges and the lack of representation of the Southeast Asian community, he founded SEAC to be a beacon of professional and cultural resources for Southeast Asian students. 


Most Recent
Question: Can people from the College join? - Anonymous

Absolutely, we welcome members from all four schools! 

- Penn Southeast Asian Circle (SEAC)
~0 people found this question helpful~

Basic Info

46 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Application and Interview Required

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Member Circle


  • Must apply and interview at the beginning of the semester
  • Sign up for F24 Coffee Chats

Additional Pages