The College Dean's Advisory Board (DAB)

Civic engagementAdvisingAcademicAdvocacyUndergraduateStudent Governance

Club Mission

About Us

The College Dean’s Advisory Board (DAB) of the University of Pennsylvania is an organization devoted to improving the quality of undergraduate academics and student life within the College of Arts & Sciences. Our student-led initiatives and advising facilitate student-administration contact. We work closely with the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences to introduce new opportunities for College students while enhancing pre-existing programs to better serve the undergraduate College body. Our efforts are collaborative and seek to represent the interests and passions present in the students that we serve.

Past Initiatives

Mental Health: The Mental Health Committee is committed to working with the Dean, the College office, various student clubs across campus, and the rest of DAB to promote Mental Wellbeing among all College students and the greater Penn community. One way we work towards this mission is by planning wellness events throughout the year that range from fun study breaks to guest speaker talks and student panels. Some past events have included a Mental Health Preceptorial featuring Goat Therapy (yes, goats!) and our annual Deconstructing the Penn Face event, an honest and open conversation about mental wellbeing at Penn featuring student leaders across campus. Our committee also thinks about ways we can create and implement sustainable policies or projects that will have a positive long-term impact on student Mental Health. Overall, we’re passionate and excited about promoting Mental Wellbeing at Penn and creating a comfortable campus environment for all. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions! We’d love to hear from you!

Academics: The Academics Committee is dedicated to creating, advocating for and implementing new College-wide academic policies. Our goal is to establish academic policies that make CAS students’ academic experience more manageable, fair, diverse and meaningful. Our committee work consists of brainstorming initiatives, listening to CAS students’ academic needs, reviewing survey results, writing administrative proposals, meeting with and presenting to academic administrators and much more! Past initiatives: Extension of Pass/Fail Deadline, creation of ABCS Writing Seminars, etc. Current initiatives: Implementation of Course Syllabi on PennInTouch, creation of College-Wide Test Bank, establishment of Free College-Wide Printing, etc.

Outreach: The Outreach Committee's primary purpose is to connect the student body with the Dean and College administrators and professors. In the past, we have hosted Hikes with the Dean, where students took a hike at the Woodlands with the Dean and his dog. Current initiatives include group lunches with renowned professors, roundtable discussions with the Dean about policies affecting the College, a mentorship program between the graduate schools and the undergraduate College, and publicity of all DAB events.

College Community: The College Community Committee aims to build a sense of community in the College, as it is the biggest school at Penn. Current initiatives we are working on are: implementing the Major Advisory Board, Major Celebration Day, college merchandise, and working with Penn Law to create more opportunities for students.


Most Recent
Question: Can freshman join? - Anonymous

Of course, first years are allowed to apply and join DAB! We
will also host events closer to the start of the academic year in the fall as
well as host a table at the SAC Fair (Penn’s student club fair). So be sure to
stop by and come meet some of our current members!  

- The College Dean's Advisory Board (DAB)
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: How large is the time commitment for DAB? - Anonymous

We meet with Dean Struck weekly for an hour, so you can generally expect one hour each week. However, there may be initiatives or events that require more time at certain points of the year as needed.

- The College Dean's Advisory Board (DAB)
~0 people found this question helpful~


Basic Info

6 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Not Currently Accepting Members

Application Required

Fall Semester


How to Get Involved

Our official application is live starting August 29th and due by September 4th at 11:59 PM EST.

Interviews will occur on Saturday, September 7th, and Sunday, September 8th. We look forward to getting to know you during this recruitment cycle! 

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