Undergraduate Assembly (UA)

Student GovernanceUndergraduate



About the UA

The Undergraduate Assembly (UA) is the elected, representative organization of undergraduates at Penn, charged with improving life for all students through funding, services, and advocacy.

How we work:

  1. We lobby for tangible change at Penn based on student needs
  2. We represent students to administrators and outsiders
  3. We bring students from different groups and identities together (see UA Steering)
  4. We provide services to improve student’s quality of life (see UA Services)
  5. We fund the other branches of student government and, by extension, all student groups on campus (see Budget)

How we drive impact

Each year our secretary compiles an annual report documenting all of the work done by members of the UA. Read the 2022-2023 annual report to glimpse how we drive impact across every section of Penn's campus: https://pennua.org/annual-reports.

Points of Contact

UA Speaker


Most Recent

Basic Info

4 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Application Required

Fall Semester


How to Get Involved

Class of 2027:

Welcome to Penn! If you're interested in joining the UA as an elected member, make sure to fill out this interest form!

Stay tuned to the Penn Student Government website and the NEC's General Election page for updates about election deadlines and information sessions. If you do not want to be an elected member, keep reading to learn about how you can still get involved.

Entire Penn Community

The UA is open to the public so that all Penn students can attend our General Body Meetings every Sunday at 9 p.m. and in the Benjamin Franklin Room of Houston Hall. If you would like to be more involved, you can run for an elected position or apply to be an associate member.

Those interested in being an Associate Member should fill out this application by September 28th at 5 PM: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfy7C4L681kCXA84zBEv5-w9_P1Kws_imYPN3SSe58_roPR4A/viewform

Have a fantastic start to your semester!

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