The Penn Bahá'í Club aims to bring together students of all spiritual backgrounds or religious affiliations to explore how to center our studies and future careers around service to humanity, building a vibrant and healthy campus community, and creating lasting friendships. Here’s what we currently offer:
- An avenue to contribute to community-building volunteering initiatives in surrounding West Philadelphia, including a mentorship program with middle schoolers, and children’s classes for social and spiritual empowerment.
- An open space for interfaith discussions and prayer that is hosted in conjunction with Penn PRiSM (Programs for Religious, Interfaith, and Spiritual Matters) where we explore what faith looks like in this new age, and other exciting topics.
Our programming is inspired by the Bahá'í Faith, a dynamic way of life that champions principles such as the oneness of humankind, the unity of all religions, the elimination of all forms of prejudice, the harmony between science and religion, and the inherent nobility of the human being, to name a few. More information can be found here.
Note: membership in the club is NOT limited to those who identify with the Bahá'í Faith: all are welcome!