Venture Initiation Program Peer Advisors

There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.

Club Mission

Venture Initiation Program Peer Advisors is a student-led group that is the center for consulting start-ups at Penn. Coming from Weiss Tech House, we've spent our decades of existence backing founders as they build world-defining companies like Twine, Harper Wilde, Dagne Dover, Warby Parker, and Allbirds. VIPPA is the core center of student engagement with Penn Venture Lab. We encourage and support students in the creation, development and commercialization of innovative technologies.


Most Recent
Question: Are you recruiting for fall 2022? - Anonymous

Yes! We will post our application link and updated website shortly. Please feel free to email me ( in the meantime with any questions.

- Venture Initiation Program Peer Advisors
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: Did you have a recruiting cycle for fall 2021? - Anonymous

Here is the link to the application. the deadline is Thursday 9/23/21.

We will add you to the Weiss Tech House newsletter.  

- Venture Initiation Program Peer Advisors
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: Hey! On the application you asked us about a startup we are interested in, is there a specific list of startups we should be considering, or should we look online for startups or are we supposed to come up with an idea of our own? - Anonymous
Hi! No specific list, you can use any startup existing in the market today -- including your own idea
- Venture Initiation Program Peer Advisors
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: Hi! On the application, the three options are WeissFund, WeissPitch and WeissScale. Is WeissScale the same thing as WeissLabs? I can't seem to find any information about WeissScale online. Thanks! - Anonymous

Hi. WeissLabs does not exist anymore. WeissScale incorporates aspects of WeissLabs but additional items also.  

- Venture Initiation Program Peer Advisors
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: Hi! I'd love to be a part of Weiss Tech House. Is there an application, and if so, when is the deadline? - Anonymous

Here is the link to the application. the deadline is Thursday 9/23/21.

We will add you to the Weiss Tech House newsletter. 

- Venture Initiation Program Peer Advisors
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: Hi! I'm super excited by the prospect of joining Weiss Tech House. How can I sign up to receive more information? - Anonymous

Here is the link to the application. 

We will add you to the Weiss Tech House newsletter.

- Venture Initiation Program Peer Advisors
~0 people found this question helpful~

Basic Info

0 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Not Currently Accepting Members

Application Required

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

Keep an eye out for forms on campus, and find us on the venture initiation program website: VIP Peer Advisors ( 

Additional Pages