West Philadelphia Tutoring Project

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WPTP is a program of Civic House that pairs Penn tutors with elementary, middle and high school students for free, one-on-one tutoring services. Tutors cultivate a relationship with their tutee, facilitate academic enrichment, and engage in social justice learning throughout the semester. We are a student group at the University of Pennsylvania.

For Spring 2024, virtual AND in-person tutoring at schools and at Civic House (3914 Locust Walk) will be available. The Spring 2024 Rolling Tutor Application is now open! Visit this link to apply. We will do our best to find you a time slot!


Most Recent
Question: Is there a training or anything like that we are supposed to take part in? How do we get more information on preparing for our tutoring session and on what we will do during the session? - Anonymous

Tutors will be invited to Small Tutor Orientations with your tutoring section to get to know fellow tutors and learn about our responsibilities as tutors. There will also be a Large Tutor Orientation that will provide training and resources for tutoring. After the Orientations happen, you'll be able to reach out to your Section Director or Board Member if any more specific questions arise.

- Andrew Depass
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Question: How do we get paired with a student? - Kate Solomon

Once your application is submitted, WPTP will try to pair you with a tutee and you will be notified by email if a pairing is made.

- Andrew Depass
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Question: How do we know if our student has access to a device with video? - Kate Solomon

Hi, sorry for the confusion! Please answer the question to indicate whether you (not a tutee) have access to video calling on a device. 

- Andrew Depass
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Question: Hi! I was wondering how to get a background check done in order to complete the application. How do I do that? - Anonymous

Hello, WPTP will help you get background checks completed if you don't have them already! It is not required to have them completed before applying. Thanks

- Andrew Depass
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Question: Hi! I wonder if the application is open to grad students as well? Thank you - Anonymous

Yes, it is! 

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Basic Info

9 Registered (> 100 Members)

Not Currently Accepting Members

Application Required

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

The Spring 2024 Tutor Application is now open! Visit this link to apply. We will do our best to find you a time slot!

Additional Pages