Wharton Council

Umbrella OrganizationUndergraduateWharton Council (sp 2021)Wharton Council (2021)Student GovernanceWharton Council

Club Mission

We are a student group at University of Pennsylvania with a mission to bring the Wharton community together and foster a more rewarding co-curricular experience for every undergraduate. Each member of the Wharton Council has a passion for improving student life, and we are dedicated to making your Wharton experience the best it can be.

The main ways we enhance community in Wharton include Traditions, clubs, and new initiatives. Traditions such as the Wharton 5K, Wharton Formal, and Business of Life Lecture are unique annual events that engage a wide variety of students and foster relationships between new and old friends alike. On the clubs front, we currently recognize and support 40+ different Wharton clubs that give students a chance to explore various areas of interest while meeting people with similar passions. We are constantly exploring new ideas and pursuing new initiatives to build a more rewarding Wharton experience. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any ideas, suggestions, questions, or concerns!


Most Recent


Basic Info

33 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Not Currently Accepting Members

Application Required

Spring Semester


How to Get Involved

Applications to join Wharton Council are open for first-year Wharton students in the spring semester. If you have any questions, please reach out to the contacts listed on our PennClubs page!

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