Wharton Europe

Global affairsBusinessAdvisingAcademicCulturalPoliticsUndergraduateWharton CouncilBusiness/ConsultingAcademic/Pre-Professional
There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.


The Wharton School's only undergraduate organization dedicated to Europe. Our goal is to be a launching platform for all students with an interest in Europe and to connect the university's undergraduate students with European organizations, which our Events, Corporate Relations, Internal Affairs, Research, Recruitment & Development, and Operations committees work hard to do. Wharton Europe is open to Penn undergraduate students from all years, schools, majors, and nationalities.

We serve the professional goals of our 350+ members across all schools at the University of Pennsylvania through events as well as resources pertaining to professional opportunities in Europe and the United States.


Most Recent

Basic Info

0 Registered (20 - 50 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Application and Interview Required

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

You can join the listserv to be apart of the club as a general member and attend all of our events and read our newsletter. To be apart of the board and actively take part in planning events, writing in the newsletter, and recruiting members, you will need to apply and interview!

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