Wharton Latino

ConsultingSpecial InterestPre-professionalCivic engagementMentorshipGlobal affairsBusinessCharityAcademicCommunity ServiceCulturalUndergraduateRecreationAffinity GroupsIdentity-based GroupsCultural/InternationalWharton Council
There are changes to this club page that are still pending approval from the Office of Student Affairs.
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Club Mission

Wharton Latino is an undergraduate organization established with the purpose of promoting and bringing together the Latino community within the University of Pennsylvania. The club encourages a focus on professional, social, and community service initiatives by fostering them through the organization of various events, such as: our annual Valentine's Day Rose Sale, Career Conference,  Freshman Dinner, among others. 

The club currently counts with around 200+ active members, over 500 subscribers to the mailing list, and 25 sponsors.


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Basic Info

249 Registered (> 100 Members)

Currently Accepting Members

Open Membership

Both Semesters


How to Get Involved

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