Wharton Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Club (WUEC) Application

The Wharton Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Club (WUEC) is Penn's largest entrepreneurship club. Despite this club label, WUEC is a startup; we try, experiment, fail, and iterate in everything we do. We live to learn, and seek to instill this passion into the emerging entrepreneurs we support.

Our events include speaker events with world-renowned entrepreneurs (e.g, Uber CFO, Paypal founder, Supercell founder, Warby Parker founder, Hydro Flask founder etc.), pitch competitions (last year we gave out $20,000 in prizes), tech treks (e.g, NYC), and more!

Below is some information about our committees. You can apply for up to 2 committees. If you would like to apply to 2 committees, please submit 2 separate applications.

- Technology:

If you're interested in the technology committee, read this page to learn more!

-Events: The Events committee plans & organizes Penn-wide events and projects surrounding entrepreneurship. Past events include: speaker events, tech treks, educational workshops, etc. Future events include: entrepreneurship conference, entrepreneurship ideathons, and more.

  • - VPs: Ethan Seto (eseto@sas.upenn.edu), Avery Ciatto (acciatto@wharton.upenn.edu)

- Outreach: The Outreach committee is the liaison between WUEC and the global startup ecosystem of founders & firms. Outreach focuses on cultivating & maintaining an expansive network of external stakeholders (e.g., speakers, investors, VCs, partner organizations, and other affiliates) in order to accelerate the entrepreneurial development of WUEC members and the broader Penn community. A core responsibility of outreach is to attract guest speakers to the club.

  • - VP: Smriti Sanjay-gopal (smrsgop@wharton.upenn.edu)

- Marketing: The Marketing committee curates the club's brand, social media accounts, poster & merch designs, content, newsletter. Also forms partnerships with other organizations to maximize event attendance and attract new members. Marketing helps establish WUEC as one of the most well known clubs at Penn.

  • - VPs: Vereta Gour (vereta@wharton.upenn.edu), Isabella Milanova (milanova@wharton.upenn.edu)

- Finance: The finance committee acquires and maintains relationships with our corporate sponsors (e.g., Insight Partners, Capital One, Alinea, iXperience, etc.) Finance also manages our budget. If you like developing relationships with real industry experts, this is the committee for you.

  • - VP: Harsha Ravindran (harsha02@sas.upenn.edu)

If you have any questions about the club in general, feel free to email doanng01@wharton.upenn.edu or jjklu@sas.upenn.edu. Please email Committee VPs for any committee-specific questions.

Due: Monday, September 19, 2022 at 10:00 PM ET

Word count: 0/100



Feel free to submit multiple times, only your most recent submissions will be shared with the club application reviewers.