Wharton Women

SocialConsultingPre-professionalCivic engagementMentorshipBusinessEntrepreneurshipAcademicCommunity ServiceUndergraduateAffinity GroupsIdentity-based GroupsAcademic/Pre-ProfessionalBusiness/ConsultingWharton Council


Wharton Women is an undergraduate student organization at the University of Pennsylvania. We facilitate the personal and career development of women and underrepresented gender identities in business by building a network of exceptional undergraduates, professionals and faculty. Wharton Women aims to provide direction, insight, and camaraderie to women from all four of Penn's undergraduate schools who are interested in business or intend to enter the business world upon graduation. We were voted Wharton's Best Large Club in 2021.

By promoting interaction between women with the intent to foster long-term relationships and offering exceptional resources, Wharton Women seeks to help students maximize their university experience. Through numerous initiatives such as our cornerstone events; lunches with faculty, professionals, and fellow undergrads; industry career panels; workshops teaching social and professional skills; and philanthropy work, Wharton Women promotes the establishment of valuable industry contacts, as well as aims to aid the transition between the University and the workplace.

We are recruiting committee members for a range of roles in 10+ committees, including pro-bono consulting, marketing, MBA mentorship initiatives, philanthropy, alumane relations, internal events, and many of our professional and exciting cornerstone events.

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Most Recent
Question: What does the time commitment look like for those in a committee? - Anonymous

While the time commitment can vary on the committee, committees generally have an hour long weekly meeting and some deliverables to do outside of the meeting, as well as some required WW events throughout the semester.

- Wharton Women
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: Will you guys be accepting/re-opening committee applications in the spring? - Anonymous
Yes, there are many committee apps that open up in the spring!
- Wharton Women
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: can only people in wharton join? - Anonymous
Nope! All students from all schools are welcome.
- Wharton Women
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Question: how can we join the listerv? - Anonymous
You can join the listserv through our website: http://www.whartonwomen-penn.com/join.
- Wharton Women
~0 people found this question helpful~


How to Get Involved

Join our listserv (or subscribe using the bell in top right corner) to come to any and all events and be a General Body Member! To get involved with planning our cornerstone events or other initiatives, apply to be a committee member on the Wharton centralized application in the fall or spring (pennclubs.com/apply). Board positions require one interview and open every December. Students from all schools are invited to get involved!

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