Wharton Undergraduate Consulting Club (WUCC)

ConsultingMentorshipBusinessAcademicUndergraduateAcademic/Pre-ProfessionalSACWharton CouncilConsultingBusiness/ConsultingBusiness/ConsultingConsultingAcademic/Pre-Professional


About WUCC

Wharton Undergraduate Consulting Club is one of the oldest student-run consultancies at Penn providing consulting services to companies in both the Philadelphia area and across the country. We are composed of a diverse set of students and skill sets from all four schools to solve our clients’ toughest problems.

Our Work

Our consultants work with startups, small businesses, and corporations on various projects throughout the semester and may have the opportunity to visit the client on-site. These projects range from developing marketing plans to assessing market entry strategies where consultants provide data-driven recommendations for our clients.

In addition to our consulting services, we also provide a wide scope of professional development opportunities for those interested in pursuing consulting as a career. We have committees for Conference, Corporate Relations, Marketing, Events, and Internal Development. We regularly host events with experienced speakers and corporate partners which are open to all GBM members.

Our Culture

Beyond work, WUCC members form lasting relationships with one another. We are a close-knit community where members have found close friends, roommates, and cooking buddies. Throughout the year, there will be many social events for the entire club, your committee, and your individual consulting team so that you’re able to form bonds with many people in the club.

Next Steps

For the upcoming semester, you will have the opportunity to join WUCC as a committee member. We take members from all four schools and do not require any prior consulting knowledge. If you are someone with a great attitude, works well in teams, and has an interest in consulting, don’t hesitate to apply!

Points of Contact

Joshua Frazier
Nicole Flis


Most Recent
Question: Hi! How do I apply to be a general body member? Is it just by signing up to be on the Listserv? - Anonymous

Yes, that's all you need to do!

- Michael Ruggiero
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: When I try to choose my second choice committee, the dropdown menu says "no options". Can I still apply to 2 committees? - Anonymous

You should be able to select 2 committees in the form now that the issue has been fixed.

- Ivory Gao
~1 people found this question helpful~
Question: How do I subscribe to the Listserv? - Isabelle Yablon
When looking at our club page, there is a bell-shaped icon on the top right that will allow you to subscribe to our Listserv.
- Angelina Susanto
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Question: Do I need any experience or can I come in blind basically. - Anonymous
No experience is required! We encourage people of all backgrounds, majors, and ages to come and apply for WUCC. WUCC is a community for students to learn and engage with one another.
- Austen Li
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: What distinguishes this consulting club from the others at Penn? - Anonymous
Rather than being focused solely on pure strategy work, WUCC is the only consulting club that offers the ability to gain hands-on management consulting experience alongside educational events and career networking opportunities. The six committees work together to provide a well-rounded experience for its members and maintain a strong community where there is a place for anyone that is interested in learning or practicing consulting.
- Angelina Susanto
~0 people found this question helpful~
Question: Do I have to be a Wharton student to apply? - Anonymous
No! Any undergraduate student at the University of Pennsylvania from any major and class is available to apply.
- Angelina Susanto
~0 people found this question helpful~

How to Get Involved

Learn more about WUCC and the committees from our website https://wuccpenn.org/! WUCC GBMs are open to all, so stay on the lookout in your inbox for upcoming events.

You may also read our FAQs here: t.ly/-_fyy 

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